Black Lives Matter protest in Madrid

Yesterday was powerful, emotional and above all so important. We went as a group of friends to protest against police brutality, to honor the memory of a murdered George Floyd, to support the BLM movement, to support the community here in Madrid and to warn the world that racism is deeply rooted in us and radical change is needed. At first it looked like there would be a few hundred of us, but after less than an hour, when the crowd slowly began to grow, and the police released the barricades and people marched from the US embassy to the city center, we found that thousands of people all generations are behind us and in front of us. We walked a few kilometers to the placa del Sol , where we knelt, honored the memory of the victims and parted in peace. The strongest experience, at least for me, was yet to come. When we arrived at the square in Malasana, where a few terraces are open, but due to phase 1of Coronavirus restrictions only partially, we had to wait in line until it was our turn and we would be able to sit at the table and finally have a drink after five hours on direct sunlight. Suddenly, three elderly ladies at one table started waving at us, who saw our BLM signs and that they fully supported us and that they gave us the table so we could relax and have a drink. They came to us, and the eldest lady around the age of eighty told us that she fully understood the whole protest, that color of skin is not a crime and that no one has the right to condemn and take another's life, that the only one who could and would judge each of us is God. At that very moment, a loud thunder sounded and the rain began. I was so moved and realised that no matter of age, is upon each of us to show empathy, kindness and love. And that our society around the whole world has to fight for equal rights, equal opportunities, education and justice. All communities and minorities must be heard, to get a chance, to be supported. We need to be aware of everything from the beginning. What Europe caused by  colonization. In what superior way the white race treats others. All minorities of the community, all people of color can fight for their rights, but until a privileged society stands up for the rights of others, nothing will change. Use your white privilege to dismantle the system. Educate your self and give freedom to the others through education.

Martin Kámen / Madrid 08.06. 2020


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