Orgullo Crítico - Critical Pride - Madrid 2020

When I was eleven years old, I started studying at the Bishop's Grammar School, lived in the monastery dormitory of the Rosary Church and went to minister as an altar boy during the mass. In a few years, I finally made up my mind and I asked one of the youngest priests I thought he liked me  understood me and I could trust him, what would happen if I open myself to the world and confess my love to a boy from our class. The priest told me that in that case there would be no place for me in his church, neither at the school. I applied for entrance exams of the Secondary School of Arts and Crafts and moved to Prague. Gradually, I read what evil the church had done around the world. Evil which was committed on the victims but also  inside of the church, where sexuality is suppressed, and causes only one thing. Violence. A few years later, someone sent me a newspaper clipping with a photo of that young priest convicted of child abuse.  I had a mixture of feelings, sadness, pain, anger, satisfaction, and I felt justice for once.
Yesterday, when I walked through Madrid  and saw hundreds of rainbow flags, that memory came back to me. We will always be a minority. And that is why we need to be seen and heard. That's why Pride month is so important, that's why every rainbow flag is needed in the windows of our community and those who support us. Otherwise, we would be in a danger again, we would not have a place in the world again and  we would be judged as invaders, animals, criminals and not as humans. My sexuality is none of your business. But the fact that our sexuality manifests itself publicly during the Pride parade is because society in general, adults to theese days, have not learned how to deal with sexuality, how to pass on all important informations and the beauty and joy of sex to their own children, to the new generations. And instead of understanding, they taboo, suppress, and create traumas of young women and men who learn about their sexuality through mistakes and accidents, through religion, wrong legislation, or from twisted dubious sources in the media and the romanticized notions that have little to do with reality.


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